Home Solar Panels

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 Home Solar Panels

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The solar panels are the heart of any home's solar power system.  Home solar panels are made up of a number of solar cells connected together, covered with glass and housed in a sturdy, weatherproof enclosure for outdoor use. 

While solar panels come in a variety of sizes and power output, those for home power generation will generally be from 100-200 watts.  Any number of these solar panels can be connected together to form an array to supply whatever amount of power is required by the home owner.

Home solar panels can use a couple of different solar cell technologies, crystalline and amorphic.  Amorphic solar panels have a lower output to size ratio, but are better suited for environments with less direct sunlight such as those in the far north or frequently overcast areas.  Crystalline solar panels are more space efficient and are best suited for areas with plenty of direct sunlight.